Inca civilization

Md Abu Bakar
3 min readMay 15, 2021


Inca Civilization Free Collection From Internet

The Inca Empire was the largest empire in South America in the pre-Columbian era. There is a lot of confusion about where the Incas came from. Many of the mysteries of the ancient world have not yet been revealed to man. One such mysterious civilization is the Inca civilization. The journey of the ancient Inca civilization began as a tribe in the Cuzco region of present-day Peru. Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, northwestern Argentina, northern Chile, and southern Colombia were included in the Inca Empire. But they claimed to be the children of the sun. The Incas were originally settled in the city of Cuzco in present-day Peru in the 1200s. In just 100 years, the Incas established a vast empire. The Inca were a well-established and prosperous empire. The Incas were followers of the sun god Inti. And they were called ‘Sapa Inca’ by the king; Which means the child of the sun. The snakes were the representatives of the sun god Inti. However, these snakes did not have any sovereign power. The period was from 1438 to 1532 AD.

During the rule of the Incas, beautiful and healthy children would mysteriously disappear from the state. Only selected children were missing. They could not be found anywhere. In fact, these children would not have been lost, they would have been removed. This was part of the Incas’ religious beliefs. The children who were allowed to be lost had to be spectacular, healthy and intelligent enough. To the satisfaction of the gods and goddesses, they sacrificed children in a special ceremony called ‘Kapakocha’. The discovery of some mummies has provided vivid evidence of how the Incas fattened their children before they were sacrificed to the gods. Besides, all the strange customs and practices of the Incas can be heard. The Incas believed in three worlds. The upper world, the middle world and the lower world. The higher world is heaven, where the saints and kings will go after death. There is infinite happiness. The middle world is the world, where according to one’s deeds one can get the fruit after death. The lower world is hell, where sinners will suffer after death.

The civilization that developed in the 12th century in the Andes Mountains of Peru in South America is known as the Inca civilization. The word Inca means child of the sun. The rulers of the Cuzco region were usually called Inca. Sometimes the whole population was also called Inca. The official language of Inca is Quechua. Apart from this, at least 20 indigenous languages ​​existed throughout the empire. The Incas were extremely social. For this reason, they gave high priority to social customs. Although the king married his sister, there were no such rules within the common Incas. They could marry any girl other than their sister. In this case, the Inca boys had to choose a girl before the age of 20. If a boy could not find a bride, the guardians would look for a bride. Many a time parents would choose a daughter for their son. If the girl’s parents agreed, she could not marry anyone else. On the day of marriage, the bride and groom used to exchange sandalwood holding each other’s hands. Then there would be a social feast on the occasion of marriage. But the beautiful girls of the kingdom were often sent to be the king’s concubines. Local priests and military rulers had a special role in this matter.



Md Abu Bakar

Ex. ICT Teacher, Bakalia Government College, Chattogram, Bangladesh.