Roman civilization
They are named after the capital of the empire, Rome. Rome became a huge civilization from a village surrounded by seven hills around the small town of Rome on the banks of the Tiber River. The period of Rome’s development as a city dates back to the fifth century BC. Ancient Rome was founded in 753 BC and continued its empire and civilization for nearly four centuries. A stage of ancient Roman civilization, the empire was ruled by a government led by an emperor, and the territories ruled by the Roman Empire extended from Roman civilization around the Mediterranean to Europe, Africa, and Asia. From 100–400 BC, Rome was the largest city in the world. Urban civilization developed from Rome. It is one of the richest and most ancient civilizations in the world. Roman civilization made great strides in architecture, sculpture, and art. Roman civilization lasted about 600 years. Greek civilization was also influenced by Roman civilization.
Julius Caesar, Augustus, and Tiberius played a key role in strengthening and expanding the Roman Empire. However, the Roman Empire was formed by the hand of Julius Caesar. Various parts of Southern Europe, Western Europe, Asia Minor, North Africa, Northern Europe and Eastern Europe were once under Roman rule. In 44 BC, Julius Caesar assassinated several conspirators. As a result, civil war and killings continue. Caesar’s adopted son Octavian defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC. Octavian then became indomitable, and in 26 BC the Roman Senate formally conferred upon him the title of Augustus, giving him unlimited power, a milestone in the beginning of the Roman Empire. [1]
The most famous emperor of Rome was Julius Caesar. His famous saying ‘I came, I saw, I won’. But as power struggles and conspiracies intensified in Rome, Julius Caesar was killed by two aristocrats, Bratus and Cassius. This time Rome got involved in the civil war. Eventually the three leaders came to power simultaneously. These are Octavius Caesar, Mark Antony and Lepidus. The combined rule of these three is called ‘trinity rule’ in history. The trio rule did not last long. Octavius Caesar defeated Lepidus first. Anthony saved energy by marrying Cleopatra, the princess of Egypt. Cleopatra is historically known as the Serpent of the Nile. But he too was defeated by Octavius Caesar.
The Roman economy was dependent on slavery. Slaves were subjected to inhuman torture. Eventually a slave rebellion led by a slave named Spartacus took place. The rebellious slaves survived in southern Italy for two years. The slavery revolt ended when Spartacus was killed in 71 BC.
In the third century AD, the Roman Empire became huge. So in 285 AD, the Roman emperor divided the Diocletian Empire into the Eastern and Western Empires to facilitate his rule. The capital of the Western Empire was maintained in ancient Rome. And the capital of the Eastern Zone was declared in Byzantium in present day Turkey. Hence the newly established Eastern Empire came to be known as the Byzantine Empire after the name of the capital.
However, realizing the need to establish another more secure administrative city near the old city of Byzantium, Emperor Constantine founded the city of Constantinople in 330 AD. Within two centuries of the split, however, the Western Roman Empire continued to weaken under the onslaught of the Han, the Goths, and the Vandals. To the Romans they were known as The Barbarians. The word barbaric in Bengali is a Bengali version of the Roman English word barbarian. Shan Shawkat of Rome began to disappear in the face of the plunder of the barbarians. The Western Roman Empire finally disappeared in 476 AD. From then on, the Roman Empire meant only the Byzantine Empire, whose capital was Constantinople. That is, the Byzantines were known as Romans because they were the bearers of Roman culture and tradition, even though they were not Romans. The Byzantine Empire reached its peak of prosperity in a very short time. The then Persian Empire was their fiercest rival in the expansion of the kingdom. The Byzantine Romans and Persians were at war with each other for almost two centuries before the advent of Islam.
In the beginning, Roman civilization was a collection of many city-states called the Roman Republic. The rule of Rome, on the advice of the senators, was called the Republic of Rome. The period of the republic in Rome was about five hundred years. That period was called the period of the republic. However, over time the Roman Republic became a monarchy and the monarchy lasted for the next fifteen years. All in all, the Romans occupied a very important place in human history during these two millennia. Romania was the most powerful and prosperous of the time in economic, cultural, political and military fields. Latin and Greek ensured the expansion and stability of language, culture, religion, discovery, architecture, philosophy, law and government formation.
The Romans were pagans in the early eighties. The main Roman god was Jupiter. Augustus Caesar was in power in Rome at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ in Palestine. Rome initially emerged as the greatest enemy of Christianity. Because the monotheistic teachings of Jesus Christ were in direct conflict with Roman polytheism. In addition, his preaching of equality and justice shook the masnad of the oppressive Roman Empire, which believed in consumerism. So the Romans continued to inhumanely oppress the early Christians. Nevertheless, the religion of Jesus Christ continues to be very popular among the common people. At one point, Christianity began to gain influence at all levels, even at the highest levels. Under such circumstances, at the beginning of the 4th century AD, the Roman emperor Constantine himself converted to Christianity, and he was the first to issue a state directive to tolerate Christianity. Christianity, however, was given the status of the only legitimate monarchy in Rome more than 60 years later under Emperor Theodosius. These Romans played the role of guardians of Christianity for the next one thousand years. Rome became synonymous with Christianity! Even today, the Vatican Church is located inside Rome, and most Christians are Roman Catholic.
Although most ancient civilizations were riverine, Roman civilization was not riverine. Roman civilization developed around Rome, a small town in western Italy. A group of Indo-European people settled in northern Italy in 2000 BC. They were called Latin. Gradually their language became known as ‘Latin language’. The Latin king Romulus founded a city. Rome is named after the king.
But the dark and sad story of Rome is not about the Plebians and the Patricians. In addition to the aristocracy and the common people, another class of people lived in Rome. They were slaves. The slave had no rights. There was no power to vote. Like cows and sheep, they were the property of the master. The masters could do whatever they wanted with them. If he wanted, he would sell it. The slave trade was very lucrative in those days. The merchants of Rome became involved in this business. These merchants brought people from distant lands and sold them into slavery. The slave trade was at the heart of Rome’s prosperity.
Rome was the governing body of the Senate. Members of the Senate could only be from within the elite. The difference between rich and poor in the society was obvious. The whole Roman nation was divided into two classes. One class was called Patricians, they were aristocratic and wealthy landlords and the other class was called Plebians, they were a group of ordinary citizens. The Patricians lived a very comfortable life. Power was in the hands of the Patricians. And with power, money began to accumulate in their chests. These aristocrats began to accumulate mountains of wealth. The life of the Plebians, on the other hand, was difficult. Somehow they had to live in hardship. They were poor and helpless. They had neither money nor power. The history of the Roman state for the first few hundred years is a history of conflict between these two classes. There were occasional clashes between the Plebians and the Patricians for power. As a result, the aristocracy was forced to give up some privileges to quell the revolt of the Plebians or ordinary citizens.
But even in such splendor, the people of the aristocracy are not kulato. More, more want them. They used to waste huge wealth by luxuries, ornaments and extravagance. They levied taxes on ordinary people to collect extra money. People became angry against this injustice. In order to reduce the anger of the common people and divert their thinking, the ruling class organized a strange violent game in Rome. Captive slaves were sent to the Colosseum of Rome (a kind of roofed elliptical stage) to fight each other. He who can kill another will win. These warriors were called gladiators. The people of Rome had fun for a long time in this barbaric, brutal game. They were intoxicated by this crazy game of murder and blood. The heartbreaking history of these unfortunate slaves, hidden behind the story of the glory of Rome, brings a flood of sorrow to the hearts of the people. On the wide streets of Rome, the sound of their sad sighs wafted from behind the Colosseum rocks.
Rome was the center of Roman civilization. The splendor of that city had no end. Like a paradise full of big buildings and resources. But was everyone in this city prosperous? There are also some sad stories of that ancient city. The dark stories behind all the great creations of civilization have not come to the fore. The sad words of the oppressed are buried under the dust of time. To properly understand the civilization of Rome, we need to know its early days. About three thousand years ago, the city of Rome was founded in the eighth century BC. It is thought that the Romans were probably descendants of the Aryans. They lived scattered around seven hills on the banks of the mighty Tiber River. Gradually these settlements merged to form a city. This city-state gradually grew and expanded to become the center of a vast empire.
It was one of the largest empires in ancient times and in the world. At the time of Trojan, it had an area of 5 million square kilometers, the equivalent of 48 ethnic groups in the 21st century, and a population of about 60 million people, making up 21% of the world’s population at the time. The fall of the Roman Empire was largely due to the death of Constantine. For, then, Roman civilization and the empire — split into two separate parts. Literature, art, and the legal system flourished in Roman civilization. The Colosseum and the Roman architecture and roads of present-day Italy are flaming evidence of it. The mighty Romans of the past are no more, but their glory, their mark. The extent and influence of Roman civilization spatially, chronologically, and historically is such that it cannot be said that it has been possible to fully analyze it even after the publication of millions of books on it. The Romans are still a favorite subject of research among historians.